

How do I reach my customer? Social Media Marketing @ Frankfurt Bookfair #fbf13

By the shift of communication on the Internet, there were no more barriers, each communicating with each, at least in theory. For the first time customers now had the opportunity to engage the publishers in dialogue, as well as authors.These communication channels are referred to as social media and all publishers are now facing the question if they want to participate in these means of communication – but above all they are faced with the question of how they can do that.

Here a compact overview of the direct customer contact via social media. Meaning: what exactly is social media, why should publishers participate in it and in which fashion.

Presentation held on the panel „How Do I Reach My Customers? Direct and consumer marketing for publishers: Social Media Marketing“ at the Frankfurt Bookfair 2013 – with embedded tweets of Andrew Wilkins, publisher and director of Wilkins Farago and host of the panel.

— Wilkins Farago (@wilkinsfarago) October 11, 2013








— Wilkins Farago (@wilkinsfarago) October 11, 2013

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